Research Project Proposal

With so much still unknown about river dolphins, it is difficult to determine which threats have the greatest impacts on their declining populations. Focusing on those factors that pose the greatest threats is essential in the conservation of these dolphins.Therefore, I propose a research project to estimate the unknown Franciscana population size and distribution. This is necessary baseline information that is needed in order for conservation management actions to target areas that are the most important in the recovery of this species. 

Objective: Estimate the population size and distribution of Franciscana throughout the east coast of South America.

Hypothesis: Less than 2,000 Franciscana will be counted, and their distribution will be highly fragmented. 

Methods: Employ 10 locals (by giving financial incentives) to observe and count the number of Franciscana in an assigned ten mile section along the east coast of South America. Do this for every ten mile increment along the coast. Instruct each local to individually count and record the number of Franciscana observed every day for a six month period. Control for the length of time spent counting and the time of day. Educate the locals on how to correctly identify Franciscana prior to starting observation. Compile data and determine population estimate and distribution.

Having a population estimate and identifying the geographic areas that these dolphins are inhabiting is the first step necessary in the conservation of this species. Once these parameters are identified, areas of the highest densities of these dolphins can be focused on for conservation management. 
A local holding a Ganges River Dolphin


  1. Great research proposal. However, it would be great if you have a visual aid (e.g diagram with pictures) to simply your proposed method to approach this conservation problem. Other than that, objectives and hypothesis are clear and easy to understand.

  2. How are you planning to measure the deaths due to habitat degradation? Be careful with your terms, as I think maybe you just mean that you want to compare by-catch deaths with baseline mortality? Deaths due to habitat degradation implies that you are somehow for controlling for factors other than habitat degradation.. which I don't think you are.

  3. What's your control here? What information did you use to deduce that hypothesis? How do you intend on quantifying how many river dolphins got caught? When you say "fishing areas" vs. habitat degradation, how do you intend on keeping those two populations isolated from one another? Good idea but some more strategic explanation of how you intend on completing this would be helpful.
